Beware of revolting comic characters, today they just give you back talk, but tomorrow you may find yourself in a straight jacket locked in the basement.
Nobody nose at all. I chalk it up to cartoonist’s license. Sorta like how I ignore the fact that most everyone in AC has eyebrows except for the Addanac family.
What he lacks in noses, he makes up for in teeth.
…and ears!
Beware of revolting comic characters, today they just give you back talk, but tomorrow you may find yourself in a straight jacket locked in the basement.
That wouldn’t surprise me with the bunch of fruitcakes in my comic!
If he wants a nose, you might wanna give him one. I wouldn’t mess with a bat, let alone a VAMPIRE bat!!
I don’t think I’m gonna be performing any plastic surgery on our big eared buddy.
Vampire bats have noses so ugly they’re cute!
That’s what their momma’s tell them!
Cartoon boy doesn’t want you biting him
That’s right…fangs off, bat boy!
Being a great cartoonist is nothing to sniff at, Belfry!
He nose it!
Nobody nose at all. I chalk it up to cartoonist’s license. Sorta like how I ignore the fact that most everyone in AC has eyebrows except for the Addanac family.
I hope I never get my license revoked!