A Kiss For Vinnie Jul10 by Tim on July 10, 2013 at 3:01 am Chapter: Comics If you missed the “Uncle Fred” story line, you can begin it here.
I wonder how long his tongue is?
I Googled this question for you, Chris. It seems the results are conflicted…anywhere between 6 to 7 inches.
The Kiss Army is unstoppable.
I’ll stake money on that!
I was in the KISS Army too! I love this one, Time. Vinnie would be quite pleased if he could see it.
Let’s hope Uncle Fred is a fan as well!
He wants to rock and roll all night, and sleep every day!
Haha, well said!
It is funny to think that little sunny would be a fan, and she totally would be.
She is a little destroyer!
It looks like she practiced that makeup job before.
Probably while Vinnie was sleeping!