500th Comic! Oct27 by Tim on October 27, 2014 at 3:01 am Chapter: Comics Well, here it is folks, my big 500th comic! I hope you enjoy it!
Great comic baby! I can’t believe this is the 500th. Love ya!
Thank you for putting up with your crazy cartoonist husband!
Congratulations Tim! 500 comics, holy cow!
Keep the laughter coming!
The Guano Ray kills!
A HUGE salute and congrats to you, Tim! 500 comics is a big accomplishment.
FANGtastic!! However, in the world of The Undead, 500 is just another step toward infinity!
500 comics is a pretty tall stack of comics, Tim. Congratulations and keep up the great work! -v
Congrats on 500 strips! why not a 500 panel celebration?!? [smirk] …does the math, crries the one… thats another 50 strips! [snaps fingers] Subito!
My arm just went on strike!
Holy smokes! That’s quite a run Tim, congratulations! BTW Belfry looks pretty guilty about that smell!
Haha! Belfry been saving that one up all month long for this comic! Thanks!
Farts are the scariest part of Halloween! Congrats on 500 here’s to many many more!
Thanks, Chris! Smell ya later, buddy!
Congratulations on your 500th Vinnie the Vampire! Brilliant extra special edition!!
Thanks, Paul!
Congrats! 500? Holy moly…
It’s all in the wrist! Thanks, P.J.
Those imaginations are out of control! Ha ha!
And congratulations on your landmark.
Thank you very much!
Congratulations! Bat farts are always a winner.
For the bat, at least!
Can’t have a freak show without bad smells
They go hand in hand over mouth!
Congrats on 500!
Thank you!
Looks like this tale took a V-tour! Super congrats on your milestone 500 strips, Tim! That is a fine accomplishment, indeed!
Gas mask not included! Thanks, Mark!
Wow! 500 strips! Congratulations! Here’s to the next 500!
Thank you!
Congratulations on #500!
Thank you, Tom!