Okay, color me intrigued.
Consider yourself colored…yikes, that sounded a little racist…sorry!
The plot thickens.
It’s more like the clot thickens!
When Vampa takes a deep breath, you know there’s gonna be a long story coming up!
He usually doesn’t breathe at all, so I guess you’re right!
Story Ark!!!!
The next few weeks might be interesting
Here comes more whoppers than they sell in a month at the Burger KIng.
Even tall tales usually have a grain of truth…
Aw, snap! We’re in for a good story from Vampa!
Blood curdling good….I hope….
Hey Tim! Are those new background colors for you? They really color the mood of the scene. Seems so bright and sunny. I can only imagine Vampa’s story will be one of joy and happiness. : )
Pretty close to my usual colors, just saturated the darks a little. As to the last part of your comment….we’ll see!
Bring on the Epic, Vampa!
Time to relive the glory days!
Get an old Vamp going and he’ll never stop!
At least until he nods off!
OoooOOoo. This is going to be good!
That’s what Sunny said!
That’s great fun, Vampa’s stories are always brilliant! Can’t wait to find out what happens next!
Let’s just say my next comic will be a little larger than usual…
This is a hardcore tease. Well played.
Okay, I’ll hold to my pigtails too…
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Okay, color me intrigued.
Consider yourself colored…yikes, that sounded a little racist…sorry!
The plot thickens.
It’s more like the clot thickens!
When Vampa takes a deep breath, you know there’s gonna be a long story coming up!
He usually doesn’t breathe at all, so I guess you’re right!
Story Ark!!!!
The next few weeks might be interesting
Here comes more whoppers than they sell in a month at the Burger KIng.
Even tall tales usually have a grain of truth…
Aw, snap! We’re in for a good story from Vampa!
Blood curdling good….I hope….
Hey Tim! Are those new background colors for you? They really color the mood of the scene. Seems so bright and sunny. I can only imagine Vampa’s story will be one of joy and happiness. : )
Pretty close to my usual colors, just saturated the darks a little. As to the last part of your comment….we’ll see!
Bring on the Epic, Vampa!
Time to relive the glory days!
Get an old Vamp going and he’ll never stop!
At least until he nods off!
OoooOOoo. This is going to be good!
That’s what Sunny said!
That’s great fun, Vampa’s stories are always brilliant! Can’t wait to find out what happens next!
Let’s just say my next comic will be a little larger than usual…
This is a hardcore tease. Well played.
Okay, I’ll hold to my pigtails too…