Hopefully vampires have decent night vision!
I don’t think Vampa knows the power went out!
Don’t they like the darK?
These are soft modern day vampires, they don’t even drink from the vein anymore!
That boy needs some motivation to get up off his rear and stop wasting all day sucking down juice boxes. There’s nothing worse than a slacker vampire.
All that statement need was a “dadgummit!”
Vinnie likes the dark.
He looks good in black!
If only the electric bill could…
You and me both, Marieke!
Vampires and candlelight go well together!
Like Vampa and insults!
All you need is a little electrical knowledge and the right tools to take care of that nasty electric bill.
What a shocking statement!
But if it could, boy, what a wonderful world we’d be living in.
Ain’t that the truth!
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Hopefully vampires have decent night vision!
I don’t think Vampa knows the power went out!
Don’t they like the darK?
These are soft modern day vampires, they don’t even drink from the vein anymore!
That boy needs some motivation to get up off his rear and stop wasting all day sucking down juice boxes. There’s nothing worse than a slacker vampire.
All that statement need was a “dadgummit!”
Vinnie likes the dark.
He looks good in black!
If only the electric bill could…
You and me both, Marieke!
Vampires and candlelight go well together!
Like Vampa and insults!
All you need is a little electrical knowledge and the right tools to take care of that nasty electric bill.
What a shocking statement!
But if it could, boy, what a wonderful world we’d be living in.
Ain’t that the truth!