Chris Simonite is the creator of the hilarious comic, “Gorilla in the Midst.” It follows the adventures of Gus, a rescued African gorilla who now is on a steady diet of T.V. and Doritos, and Chuckles and Hilda Mulligan, a retired couple who take in the orphaned Gus. Chris debuted his comic in January this year so you should head over and check out his archives and catch up!
I recently sent Chris a piece of fan art, to see it click here.
Thanks for the great guest comic, Chris!
Gorillas and vampires and bears, oh my.
Oz certainly has gone through some changes!
Chris, great job on Tim’s guest strip. Your gag works perfectly with Vinnie!
I agree, Bill, Chris really captured the VTV spirit!
Thanks Bill!
Nice guest strip from Chris, Tim.
What does Vinnie think of Twilight?
In Vinnie’s world, it is rare to interact with humans since they get their blood in juice boxes. He’s probably fascinated with their creativity and interpretation of the vampire culture.
Is the last your favorite? It is, isn’t it?
Only Vinnie knows for sure, I’ve never read them myself!
Nice. This is certainly a sparkly new comic today!
Only Chris can get away with a sparkly comic around here!
Yes, nice Job, Chris.Your comic fits seamlessly into the Vinnie the Vampire continuity. If Tim ever disappears, you’ve got a job. (that is NOT the go-ahead to make Tim disappear, Chris) -v
I understand, but thanks Vince! That’s a huge compliment. I’m a big VTV fan!
Also, it would be hard to ‘off’ Tim all the way from Canada. Unless I was Walter White or something..
Chris Heisenburg just doesn’t have a good ring to it!
Hmmm.. I kinda think it does! *cue ominous music*
By the way, I’m gonna really miss seeing my comic on the main page of your site. Ya know, just saying… it’s not a threat or anything… I’m just sayin’… But seriously, I’m gonna miss it!
It will live on forever in the archives! Come back and visit as often as you’d like, Chris!
Wait, Chris… You’re in Canada?! I had pictured you as a southern good ‘ol boy! You know, the kind that lives in Hazard County!
Sorry, Joseph, you must be thinking of Stan Dickie! He’s from down somewhere near Hazard County (used to hang out with ol’ Boss Hogg as near as I can tell), but he lives up here for some reason now…
Sunny has her literary standards.
Wonderful job, Chris! I’m really lovin’ your take on Sunny and Vinnie!
Thanks Mark! It was super fun doing a VTV!
Vinnie can start a book club!
Great job on the strip, Chris! :O)
Thanks Joseph!
Or Sunny can just club him with a book!
I think Sunny does enough emotional damage! No need for her to finish him off with physical violence! Although, it would put an end to Vinnie’s suffering!
SHe won’t let Vinnie off that easy!
Poor Vinnie, Sunny it’s making the hell of a time for him!
It’s a dirty job…
Great guest comic, Chris! There’s just no fooling Sunny sometimes.